What is it?
A pretty cool Power Rangers figure, it's one from the new range of Ultra Morphin' Rangers!
There are three Rangers to choose from: Blue, Black and Red.

He comes with a gold megasword but without the goldfish bowl on the end.
What the Boy thought?
The Red Ranger is obviously the coolest.. according to my son anyway. First impressions of this toy were really good, he got so excited when he pressed the button and the Red Ranger morphed in the blink of an eye!! "Das weally good"! "he lights up as well doesn't he!!"
We immediately had to go to his room and start playing with all the other Rangers and apparently this Ranger is the "strongest of them all!!"

The Verdict!
My son loves his new Red Power Ranger and morphing him back and forth, so he's well happy, which is really the main thing. Definitely a welcomed addition to his already massive collection.
Myself I have a different view.. His feet only twist at the top of his boots, and his arms only move at the shoulders, this was a little disappointing as I would have loved to have placed this figure in all manner of poses. I really also think Bandai missed a trick by not giving him sound, as the light is only a push button LED. As I'm quite tech savvy I would have liked a more modern twist like fully or even a little more posable and definitely sound.
The above being said, I believe every "Power Ranger loving" child will love this figure.
The Ultra Morphin' Red ranger. Available now in all good toy shops and RRP's at £14.99, However! get on over to Amazon now and you can get one for a whopping 83p cheaper!! hehe..
You may also like to visit the official Power Rangers Website!
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