Just a random post really, the 'Frozen' DVD is due out on Monday 31st March and frankly, I can't wait!

There's been so much hype surrounding the songs ever since the song came out, so many karaoke videos of absolutely crazy people. Take a look HERE at the Youtube vid of one such mad couple.
Just nuts, their faces are so funny! and the fact the kid in the back isn't taking a blind bit of notice is brilliant!
One of the other songs, which is increasingly popular at the moment is "Let it Go" sung by Idina Menzel (better known as the Frosty Queen Elsa).
Please please PLEASE see THIS rendition sung by quite possibly the cutest kids on the internet.. Maddie and Zoe (now International stars thanks to Youtube)
Also check out the music video of the actual song from the movie, which you can sing along to, KARAOKE style! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bU
Have a great time and hopefully I'll be reviewing the DVD in the near future!
Remember, it's out on Monday 31st March! Why not pre-order the DVD on Amazon using my search box on the right? Only £10!!
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