It's a secret underground club, in which people from the toys and games industry can come together, drink beer (or similar poison) and play board games!
A fantastic way of meeting people in the industry and making some new friends!
What I thought?
Well, from the second I got there (after getting a FANTASTIC cider!) as I was on my own I was guided to a table with some people already playing Cards Against Humanity!! An AMAZING card game with ALOT of adult content. Basically if you're a 'wrong'un' you'll win at this game! and shamefully I was actually pretty good!
Among the beer drinking and just completely wrong phrases, I learnt that two of the guys were from a company who has created a new kids construction kit! XYZ, they're plastic tiles which I'm told are strong enough to take an adults weight when stepped on! You just need to build them correctly! AMAZING! Check it out!
We then moved on to the next table to play Trivia Tower! This is a mix between Trivial Pursuit and Jenga! You start by building the tower, basically coloured shot glasses and card discs. The aim of the game? to answer questions and take out as many shot glasses as you can, you get points for the different colours and the winner is the one with the most points, VERY CLEVER!
Then we moved on to Boom Boom Balloon, which was fun and easy to play but TERRIFYING! you roll the dice and what ever number appears is the amount you need to push sticks into the balloon. Just SO scary! Nearly had a heart attack!

Next we played the very media based Man Bites Dog where you need to create pointed headlines using your hand of cards, person with the highest points wins! Another fun game, you need to be creative though!
Then we played Tenzi, a manic dice game where you have to roll 10 dice and eventually match all your dice to one number, first to match all 10 is the winner! Brilliant game! and a variation sees you swapping with your opponents! PAY ATTENTION!!
Last, but by NO means least, and probably the game of the night, the heart pumping, non stop shouting and laughing DOBBLE! Just incredibly easy to play and you can have as many players as you like! There were eight of us playing and it was probably even more exciting that playing with just two or four players! It was manic! The pack is made up of circle shaped cards with images on them (from apples to igloos, bombs to keys). Now, there is one image that appears on every pair of cards, you have to find that image, shout it out and you then give your matching card to the owner, YOU are then safe and the rest of the peeps have to make sure they're not the one left with all the cards. SO simple, SO fantastic!!
Please note, I hope to do a full review at some point in the future on ALL the above games, just depends if I can get my hands on them! Do have a little search on amazon for all of them (using my search at the side), really good prices there..
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