
Monday 4 March 2013


Right, so, welcome to my first blog!

Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself! I'm Adam, a 31 year old family man, who lives in Essex. No, I am not "reem" or "well jel". I just happen to live here.

Anyway, I live with my gorgeous wife and handsome four year old son. My son is extremely funny, and one of the reasons I've decided to start this blog.

The name of the blog has come directly from my son; when he finds something he likes, the finger comes up to point and, with a constant nod of the head, "Das Weally Cool!" was born! 

The main core of the blog will be based around reveiws of childrens products; toys, food and films mostly (with a few of my sons quotes thrown in too). I'm using this as an opportunity to improve on my writing skills and hopefully it will all be a bit of a laugh.

I also have a gorgeous little girl of four months now, so although she won’t say much, with her help and if time allows, I'll hopefully be reviewing some baby toys too!

Well, that’s all from me at the moment, I hope you like the blog. I'm happy to receive and review samples and also any thoughts, comments or suggestions so I may improve my writing. 

All the best! 

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