
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Cussons Mum & Me 'Little Explorers' Range!


To make bath time easier on the parents and more fun for the kids, Cussons have created a new range:

Mum & Me - Little Explorers

Super Soft Squidgy Soap

The soap is just fantastic!! It's so strange! It's like that Moon Dough stuff, it comes out like shaving foam but you can make models with it! Oh, it also cleans well and has a nice flowery scent. 

Little Explorer - Squidge

Funky Fizz Bath Crackles

These Crackles are also pretty cool, as soon as they hit the water they begin to crackle wildly! like you're in a bath of rice crispies! although, my Son immediately piped up "they sound like popping candy!"  
They don't last very long though, but useful to distract your child, e.g. My Son does not like having his ears washed!

Little Explorer - Fizz

Mega Mild Bubbly Bath

This is also brilliant, with a really nice smell too, really fruity. My Son loves bubbles and making funny hairstyles, and getting daddy in the face with a 'bubble pie'! The bubbles bubble up really quickly and the lastablility is not bad. they started to disappear when we went overboard with the soap.

Little Explorer - Blip

Happy Splashy Hair & Body Wash

Unfortunately I didn't get to review this product so here's a little about it. 

Kind to the eyes and easy to rinse, also contains moisturisers for the skin. Helps to leave hair smooth and de-tangled.

Little Explorer - Splash

For more info on the above and the 'Little Explorers' go to

The Verdict and more fun:

All of the above were pretty good, definitely good fun and on the whole bathing my Son was definitely easier than the usual fiasco. By far the best product was the Squidgy soap, soo much fun! See below!

Daddy made a raygun!:                   My Son made a boat!:

Daddy made a ball which my Son corrected "it's not a ball! It's a SNOWBALL":

Mummy was told to come and have a look and she made a little man!:


Considering how much fun these provide at bath time, these prices are bang on! 

Super Soft Squidgy Soap - RRP at £2.49
Funky Fizz Bath Crackles - RRP at £1.00
Mega Mild Bubbly Bath - RRP at £2.49
Happy Splashy Hair & Body Wash - RRP at £2.49

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