
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Weetabix & The Three Bears!


We all know the story of what happened when Goldilocks met the three bears, it didn't end that great for baby bear..this story is different...

Once upon a time there were three bears, Daddy bear, Mummy bear and Baby bear (we also have a baby baby bear too but she's not in this story) they all loved Weetabix!

Daddy bear, who'd grown up on Weetabix, now couldn't get enough of the new Weetabix Baked with Golden syrup!

Mummy who is bit of a weird one doesn't like milk on her cereal so eats Weetabix Mini's DRY! mental! But she's happy..

Baby bear either takes after Mummy, or is just a copycat, as he doesn't like milk with his Weetabix either! And he likes the plain Weetabix with some yummy jam spread on top!


Weetabix seems to have been around since the year dot and it just keeps on giving! Always bringing out something new! However, this doesn't mean that people can't enjoy the basics too! as I said above, my Son, Baby bear enjoys his plain weetabix with a little jam spread on top!

The Taste!

I love the Weetabix Baked with Golden Syrup and freezing cold milk! I like the fact I don't need to add anything to them to sweeten them up! Lurrrrlvely!

My Wife loves to munch on the Chocolate Crispy Mini Weetabix, without milk, while busying herself on her laptop. "They're just easier to eat that way".  Very chocolatey, you feel like your having a treat rather than just a breakfast.

My Son loves that the dry Weetabix are nice and crunchy! he'll make a mess, then EAT the mess!

The above just confirms how versatile Weetabix can be, there really is something for everyone and if you don't like any of them, there's always a way to tweak the flavours by adding fruit, yoghurt, nuts and more.  

It's a wholesome and energy giving breakfast which no family should be without!

How much??!

The Plain Weetabix 24 pack RRP - £2.39
The Weetabix Baked with Golden Syrup RRP - £2.69
Weetabix Chocolate Minis RRP - £2.29

Please go to the Weetabix website for more information and some brilliant idea's on customising these healthy breckies!

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