So, my littlest is getting on now and we're starting to wean her. I thought this the best opportunity to write a review for a few of the Baby food companies. You'll have to bear with me as this is my first proper foodie post, a little difficult as unlike my Son who would be like "mmmm, yummy!" "ahhh, das weally nice!!" I don't have much to go on with my daughter.. It'll get better though! Stick with me!

What is it?
Its pureed baby food in jars and pouches!
Vegetable, Chicken Casserole:
What the little lady thought?
She did this in minutes, again, moans and groans for more! Nuff said..apart from I think she liked it!
Tasty Tomato Risotto:
GUTTED!! Totally forgot to get pictures!!
This stuff looks just like a thick tomato soup. You can definitely tell there's tomato and you can even taste the powdery rice!
Unlike some baby foods this had a very fresh taste to it. It wasn't slimy and had a very smooth texture.
What the little lady thought?
You can tell she liked this as firstly she got excited when she first saw her bowl then proceeded to moan at me every time she finished a mouthful!
Sweet Red Pepper, Tomato & Carrot:
Right, this one was nice, it tasted a little like a "Pasata", not quite a tomato soup, but getting there.
This seemed a little runny, probably due to the ingredients being ones with not a lot of consistency. It was still good though and I'm pretty sure my little girl was full after..
What the little lady thought?
She ate every spoonful, and seemed to enjoy it, moaning for more in between mouthfuls.
She ate every spoonful, and seemed to enjoy it, moaning for more in between mouthfuls.
It's BABY FOOD! in a pouch, there's a few different varieties, so listen up!
Butternut Squash, Carrots, Apples & Prunes:
OK, so this may not look like actually looks like it should have been found in my baby's nappy rather than in her food bowl..that being said, it actually tastes VERY nice! Due to the apples and prunes in there it is quite sweet and actually tastes more like a desert than a main meal.
I personally wasn't too sure about this as I'm an oldie who likes their mains to taste like a mains i.e. savoury; and their desserts sweet.
I personally wasn't too sure about this as I'm an oldie who likes their mains to taste like a mains i.e. savoury; and their desserts sweet.
What the little lady thought?
The above being said, my lil' lady absolutely lapped this up! every mouthful had her almost shouting for the next! Thoroughly enjoyed I think!
Spinach, Apples & Swedes:
Right, now again, this didn't look great.. it actually reminds me of walks in the bad way..I'm just gonna say it, it looks like swan poo.. I'm sorry but it does!
Not that I've tasted it, I'm pretty sure it does NOT taste like swan poo. It actually tastes very nice, you can definitely taste the ingredients mentioned on the front and is again quite sweet, probably due to the fruit content.. there's a pattern forming here. Apologies for no picture, I was a little rushed getting this to my little girl as we'd been out and she needed feeding.
What the little lady thought?
Like everything so far, she absolutely loved the stuff! Ella's are doing very well to satisfy my lil' girls' taste buds!
Red Peppers, Sweet Potatoes & Apples:
Apologies again for the lack of a picture, again we were out and about and got back late to feed the little one. It looks pretty much the same as the top Butternut squash food, but with a slightly redder tinge.. I'm sure though, the little lady would eat this stuff if it was neon yellow, it wouldn't matter, because it tasted so good!
Again, like the above, all the flavours stand out and are not overpowering. It's nice to think that at such a young age we're instilling into our kids to eat fruit and veg!
What the little lady thought?
Again, this was lapped up with some moaning for more, no problems here.
These are also in pouches, again there's a few different varieties, pay attention..
Tomato, Sweet Potato & Cheese:
Definitely tomato in there, quite thick and a little "bitty". This was actually a stage 2 so a little more filling and more bits.
Still moaned and groaned for this, although maybe a little less (maybe I should invent a "Moan Rating"!?), may have just been a little early for the stage two as taking more time on each mouthful. No turning of head or tongue pushing food out so she must have like it.
Tasty Chicken & Butternut Squash:
So, with this one, the flavour didn't really shine through, however it was a little too bitty for me.. I know it's not FOR me but I had to taste's just a little grainy.
What the little lady thought?
Unfortunately (always bad when you need to start a sentence like that), this I think was the little madams least favourite, to the point of her actually clamming up and pushing out of her mouth what I got in there. I had to actually give her something else.
Yummy Moroccan Chicken:

Well again with most of these pouches, this didn't look amazing, however the smell and taste were wonderful, I've been to morocco so I know what a good lot of lamb tastes like, and this is pretty good. Obviously it's mushed to baby heaven oblivion, but all the flavours are still there. Very nice indeed.
What the little lady thought?
What the little lady thought?
Loved it, blimey did she, after all the above, shes getting pretty good at this weaning eating stuff. This literally went in a few minutes! Must have loved it as was moaning for more, even when it was all gone! The greedy moo!
The Final FINAL Verdict!!
So..I get it.. Heinz is into the natural flavours of traditional home cooked meals. Really filling, and really tasty!
Heinz Baby Foods can be found in Supermarkets everywhere! Deserts and Mains are from around £1.00. For more info on their full range and fun too, go to:
Ella's Kitchen
Ella's, just keep doing what you're doing! I see and understand the pattern of including the fruit in your meals, it works great with most and adds a natural sugar content in there, a great idea to get the kids on the road to their 5 a day! Very Impressed and I'm sure products from Ella's Kitchen will be in our shopping basket soon!
Ella's Kitchen Food Pouches can be found in Supermarkets everywhere! Deserts and Mains are from around £1.00. For more info on their full range and fun too, go to:
Annabel Karmel
Annabel, you're just good home cooking but packaged, no gimmicks or added sugars from anywhere. Very tasty, nice one!
Annabel Karmel Food Pouches can be found in Selected Tesco Stores. Deserts and Mains are from £0.99 to around £1.39. For more info on their full range, go to:
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