
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

New Star Wars Die Cast Miniatures at Disneystore!

Check these out in your local Disneystore!!!

£7.00 for the Smaller ones, of which there's the Slave 1 (pictured), The Endor speeder bike, Luke's Speeder, B-Wing and Hoth Snowspeeder!! 

£18.00 for the bigger ones, of which I only saw two, but possibly more to come?? The Millennium Falcon and an Imperial Star Destroyer are available here! 

The SW Toys are certainly starting to mount up! I just hope Disney aren't releasing this all too early.. The film is due out on December 18th and therefore I'm sure the Original Trilogy stuff will REALLY be bumped up in sales figures..

In other news.. 

I'm worried for Star Wars Rebels. I visited my local store and upon asking for a search of their backrooms for a 'Chopper' figure, I was advised "'s nice to know there ARE Rebels fans out there" and "'s been a bit of a flop for Disney and the series and it's merchandise isn't selling well at all for us"... I must say I was gutted to hear this.. 

My friends in the US love the show and it sounds like the toys are more plentiful than here in the UK. There is, as I understand a small shipping problem which is slowing down distribution of the figures, but I'm sure once this is sorted they'll be flying off the shelves.. In the meantime in the UK there shelves are stocked with no-where to go.. Although, SOME of the figures MUST be selling as I can never find Chopper.. at this point I'm not holding much hope to my local receiving any of the Wave 2 of Rebels figures.. 

We'll just have to wait and see.. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU DISNEY!!!  

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