
Monday, 28 September 2015

Technology Event Review: CU Exposed!

What is it?

This event was held in London Bridge the other night and lots of new products were on show! And I tell ya, my mouth was watering!!

Computers Unlimited organised the event, and after a very nice PR agency contacted me to attend, I jumped at the chance!

I had to go straight from my day job, so I was a little knackered, but it was well worth it.

What I Thought

There were loads of new tech at the event but these are a few of my favorite ones!

Definitely one for the kiddies, this glorified iPad holder doubles as a kind of mirror with a very big (and exciting!) difference. Using the wonder of the iPad's apps you can play games like sorting blocks to match the picture on the screen, there's word games which recognize the letters you throw onto the space in front of the pad and also ( my personal fave) a game where using the screen, you can see balls falling down and using your reflection in the space in front, you have to make the balls go into goals. A little like pinball, but your hands are the paddles!! I was extremely impressed with this, there's a load of learning possibilities, motor and problem solving, my son would love it!

I think the man on the stall said the age range was from 5+, I really wouldn't mind having a go myself!!

This will be retailing at £69.99, this may seem a little high but it's so much fun and has alot of potential and once you have the main unit, I'm not sure how much, but I can see the add-on's going for alot less.

Go to their official site for more info! Purchase from Amazon HERE!

Next up, VIRTUAL REALITY!!!! So you've heard of the big names in VR which are slowly coming into production, however this small company based in France have dome a superb job of using your MOBILE PHONE!! ( I know right??!!) 

The goggles themselves are very comfy and have special lenses in them, which are movable so you can focus the picture, then with your phone in a nice cradle on the front, using programs from the appstore you can play games, videos and also look around full pictures. I played a great runaway mine car ride, and also a full view 360 video, and even a moving video (on a skateboard!) where it was filmed using four GoPro's!! 

I've been told the programs to download will increase in time as
well as the quality of the picture. There was also an amazing flying game where you controlled a robot just in front of you by moving your head to avoid meteors and laser fire, that was probably my favorite!!

There's so many possibilities and also so many opportunities for licences!! That last game, wow.. Just get Disney involved.. That's right, X-wings in the Death Star trench!!! 

I've been advised these will ship at ONLY £59.99!!! VIRTUAL REALITY FOR £50!!! Awesome!!

Purchase on Amazon HERE, for the official site, go HERE

This was the first big brand to assist Apple with their bloomin' bad battery life in their products. These batteries act like a phone case and charge your phone without being cumbersome or having loads of leads in your bag!

They do an array of colours too! 
The above one for the 5S/C is £69.99, probably a little on the expensive side, but is apparently extremely quick and very intelligent in fact. When you charge these and the phone is connected, it first charges the phone, then charges the charger. Clever stuff.. also, when out and about, it will charge the first 60% of the phone extremely quickly, as it locates the parts of the phone which need the least charge, then the last 40% charges slower. 

All in all though it seems like a good product! BUY HERE! OR Take a look at their OFFICIAL SITE!

Nice goodies!

Thanks to the nice PR people on the night I was able to take a few things home with me:
Click HERE to purchase!

For more info, Click HERE
For more info, Click HERE

Click HERE to buy!


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