
Wednesday 5 November 2014

JAM Speakers - Can I get a REWIND?

What is it?

This is one of the products in the new line of 'Jam' wireless speakers. It has a fantastic retro look, which is just a little bigger than the old tapes.. Yes boys and girls, in the olden days, we didn't have CD's. We had cassette tapes which needed to be rewound by turning an HB pencil!.. yes boys and girls we used to use pencils too!.. we didn't have Facebook/twitter and tablets were only found at a chemist!.. 

What I thought

JAM probably should have learnt from the original plastic cases of the cassettes from years back, they are not very protective and prone to cracking/shattering. Unfortunately this actually happened to my case in the post! I totally get the retro feel and you probably need the clear plastic case to get 'the look'.

The bluetooth has amazing reception. I had this on in my kitchen and I was able to walk the entire house with so much as a pause in the sound! I must admit I was pretty impressed! 

The Rewind has four speakers.. 2 on each side, I'm really not sure about these 4 speakers: I tend to use my iPad alot while washing up or doing chores in the kitchen and I'd usually watch a film or few episodes of something. Due to the four speakers I found that the sound kept coming and going which was a little annoying. Music sounds good though and the four speakers come in handy with the placement of effects. 

The Verdict

A great little speaker with great sound and great looks and does the job it's intended to do VERY well! Still not sure about the case but I do love the look! 

The JAM Rewind RRP's at £74.99 and is available now

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