
Thursday 13 November 2014

StandEazy Smart Phone Stand Review!

What is it? 

It's a nifty Smartphone stand which is extremely portable and used to lean your phone against, be it: at work, on holiday, at home, even on the train! (with a table of course..!) 

It's made of a plastic polymer and also fits nicely into your wallet or purse!

The Standeazy comes in 3 colours; Aqua, Arctic (white) & Sky (Blue) and is also available in a metal version (which can support mini tablets). 

What I thought

My first thoughts were that it's a little on the thick side, but to hold your tech you kind of need a little piece of mind so I saw through this. There's a very clever click system which allows you to position your phone at a number of different angles.. I don't know what angles these are, as I've always been a bit pants at maths. 

The stand is very sturdy and would be able to hold most smartphones, even the bigger ones! I even tried my iPad Mini on the stand, it very nearly worked (albeit a little wobbly!), but please ONLY use this for smartphones, that's what it's designed/built for anyway!

The Verdict

It's a clever piece of kit and great for me as I like to watch the odd film or episode on my work breaks.

The Standeazy stand is available directly from Standeazy Limited! for an "eazy meazly" £4.99 plus £1.50 postage! 

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